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Louis Salow joins Eaton Community Bank as Business Development Officer
Eric McKinney
/ Categories: Bank News, Featured Article

Louis Salow joins Eaton Community Bank as Business Development Officer

Louis Salow joins Eaton Community Bank as Business Development Officer

STOCKBRIDGE, Mich. – Growing up in mid-Michigan is a unique experience. Always relatable, yet never completely understood by outsiders.

It’s a timeless blend of smalltown living, agriculture and Midwest family values that’s somehow harmonious with the ever-changing landscape of culture and technology. It’s certainly not easy to maintain though.

For Louis Salow, helping local businesses thrive is the best way he knows to protect what he loves.

“I don’t know how to explain it; it really comes back to wanting to serve the community,” said Salow, a 2002 Stockbridge High School graduate and Assistant Vice President, Business Development Officer at Eaton Community Bank’s Stockbridge branch.

“I could’ve gone elsewhere, but I wanted to have a seat in town,” Salow continued. “I really see it as an underserved community. There’s not a lot of professionals in the area to be a local voice and trusted resource. It’s about community for me, and Eaton is a true community bank.”

Salow resides in Stockbridge with his wife Caitlyn and four children, and brings more than 18 years of experience in the financial sector – 12-plus in banking – to Eaton Community Bank’s Stockbridge branch. He also serves as owner/operator of Ransom and Salow Brothers Farms LLC, a cash crop farm started by his grandfather in 1956 as a dairy farm.

“Louis is a great addition to the Eaton Community Bank team,” said Senior Vice President and Chief Lending Officer Garrett Bensinger. “He understands what it means to be a business owner in mid-Michigan, and he has the expertise in finance to really help others in our communities thrive. That’s what we’re all about at Eaton.”

In addition to helping local businesses with banking and lending needs, Salow’s vast banking experience allows him to also assist customers with mortgage and consumer loans at Eaton. Salow previously worked as a commercial loan officer at The State Bank in Stockbridge, Farmers State Bank before that.

Salow earned a Bachelors Degree in Economics and Management from Albion College in 2006, and a Business Leadership Certification from the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s

Graduate School of Banking, Banking and Financial Support Services.

“I’ve always grown up with an interest in business,” Salow said. “Excel spreadsheets and getting nerdy with those … yeah, I just enjoy it. If I can strengthen my community by helping businesses achieve their goals and thrive, that makes me happy.”

Eaton Community Bank has served mid-Michigan since it was chartered by two local businessmen in 1937 to help local families buy a home and provide a safe place to invest their savings. Today, Eaton provides expanded services and solutions to meet the financial needs of the diverse communities it calls home.

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