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Get Healthy Without Breaking the Bank
Eric McKinney

Get Healthy Without Breaking the Bank

Get Healthy Without Breaking the Bank

2020 was rough. We’ve been quarantined and couch bound. Gyms were closed up and healthy eating tossed out the window with our sanity. Our bodies have been battered with substantial stresses and a more sedentary lifestyle. During a national pandemic, at a time when our health is relying on us to be at our best to fight off a possible viral threat, many of us are—let’s face it—hanging on by an empty potato chip bag. To compound the stress, a number of us are facing financial hardship or strain.

Here’s the good news. 2021 is a new beginning, and with it the promise of vaccines, open gyms and sports, and not too far off in the distance—the promise of spring. There is hope—a light at the end of the tunnel. Now is a great time to regroup, ground yourself, and get healthy. And bonus—it doesn’t have to cost you a fortune to get there! Here are a few ways to simply get back to your best self and living a healthier life, mentally, physically, and financially!

Let’s start with the right frame of mind. Meditation doesn’t cost much more than a little time and has proven to have great health benefits. “Studies have shown benefits against an array of conditions both physical and mental, including irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, psoriasis, anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder.” Mindfulness can also aid in relaxation and assist with a better nights’ sleep—another great asset for better health. Try a free app like Calm or Insight Timer to get started.

Next, we all know exercise is good for the body and soul, so why is it so hard to work into our daily lives? The key is to find a way to move that keeps you coming back, without the cost of a pricey gym membership. One way to get moving for free is to get outside for a walk. Use natural parks and trails to your advantage and the fresh air and sunshine (when it’s visible) certainly won’t hurt! If the weather isn’t cooperating, there are also a number of free apps you can use at home with little or no equipment.

Obviously, we can’t overlook healthy eating. These days, many of us are cooking more at home, which is great if you’re cooking the right things. Focus on buying whole foods, rather than processed junk foods. Quick and easy does not usually equal healthy. Create and shop with a list for meals that are planned to save time and money. Compare ingredients—buying generic doesn’t necessarily mean you’re getting a lesser product. Shopping sale items and in-season produce for the best health and bank bang for your buck…or better yet, try the local farmers’ market for fresh deals.

Finally, being financially healthy should not be ignored. A number of studies have found links to financial worry and mental health. The stress of common debt or other financial issues can create stress and anxiety. Help is here. Eaton Community Bank is proud to be your financial partner and offer tools and resources to get you financially fit!

This year getting healthy doesn’t have to feel like a chore or leave you feeling financially flat. It will take a little initiative and motivation to create and stick with good habits but the reward will be priceless.


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