FRAUD REMINDER: Eaton Community Bank employees will never contact you asking for Personal Identifiable Information: passwords, SS#, security codes, debit card pins, etc. Should you ever receive such a call, email or text, please contact the bank.

FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

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Eaton Fed

Your Security Matters

Resources to keep you safe and secure.

At Eaton Community Bank protecting your information is a priority. That's why we're providing resources you can use in your everyday life to remain protected.

Eaton Fed

Making the Move to .BANK

The industry standard for bank website security and customer protection.

As a community bank, one of our top priorities is protecting your personal information and ensuring you have safe, convenient access to your money. Our switch to a .bank domain is one more step we’re taking to keep it that way.

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Think before you click and keep your identity and banking information secure.

Don't Get Phished

Phishing is an online scam involving the use of email messages that appear to be sent by your financial institution. Phishing emails typically ask you to click on a link to a false web site that asks you to input or confirm your personal and/or financial information such as your account number, credit card numbers, PIN's and/or passwords.

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Eaton Fed
Eaton Fed

Valuable tips and guidelines suggested by the Federal Trade Commission

Protect Yourself from Identity Theft

Recovering from identity theft is not an easy, or pleasant, experience. That's why Eaton Community Bank is providing you with resources to minimize your risk and keep your information safe and secure so you don't become a victim.

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